Model Castings

Personal Light Box @

My personal Light Box lets you create a thumbnail page from the public photos. As photographer you can group the photos you took and may be do some cross linking on your profile. You can use this to collect your personal favorite photos or do whatever you can imagine. (For more info click on Light Box Info)

Thumbnails will disapear when the profile owner deletes corresponding photos.

NOTE: The Lightbox owner is not necessarily the profile owner. The thumbnails are just highlights with the information associated to the photo. Click on highlight to open the associated lightbox or click on the name next to profile to get to the latter.

After you have entered your Password, you will be given an ID. You will have to memorize both of them. The ID you will need to address your page ( e.g. ) and the Password you will need to make changes to it. When logged in you can add thumbnails to your page, with the little buttons next to the photos on the profiles.

If you are a member, log in and you are automatically connected to your lightbox.

If you are not a member, just create and enter your password to get your personal Light Box.

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Light Box #3
 San Francisco, USA; Profile: Rowald;

San Francisco, USA
Profile: Rowald
Light Box #2143
 Rowald ; © Rowald ;  Stavanger, Norway; Profile: admin;

© Rowald
Stavanger, Norway
Profile: admin
Light Box #2145
Hilton, Hawaian Village;  Waikiki, Oahu, Hawaii, USA; Profile: Rowald;

Hilton, Hawaian Village
Waikiki, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
Profile: Rowald
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