This is a new passage in the very center of the city. Its the biggest of approx. 15 in the city center. A passage is way through some buildings creating a mall.
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4164949_GLocation: Hamburg, Germany Exif
May-6 New Hamburg Habor, Habor city and Elbphilharmonie photos
Jun-28 New Photographer Anna & Jürgen from Hamburg. Check him out. (auto post)
Apr-6 Shout Outs This a place for quickies ... hmmm I ment shout outs or short announcements.
Oct-28 New photos!!!
Sep-28 Nun mit Diashow in einigen Bildergalerien. Sehen Sie nach o_o
Sep-24 Nun könnt Ihr mehrere Änderungen an mehreren Bildern gleichzeitig durchführen!
Aug-5 New Photographer Rowald from Kihei. Check him out. (auto post)
Aug-1 New Artist Gitta2 from hamburg. Check her out. (auto post)
Jun-29 hello